When it “ain’t working’ Create your own pathways to transformation! 

Are you feeling stuck in your circumstances? Is your life not what you had wanted it to be? Is someone or something getting on your nerves and you can’t seem to get the problems fixed? Do you find the weight of your struggles overwhelming? If you find yourself in any of these circumstances, You’re not alone. We have spoke with a lot of people who are experiencing seasons of hardship and despair! We have spoken with many people who are dissatisfied with their lives, they are overwhelmed with problems, detoured off course by distractions, fights, snares, hidden obstacles, long term sickness that doesn’t heal, and just over broke circumstances. So regardless as to what circumstances you find yourself in, whatever you are going through it isn’t just you. Everybody got “issues” they going through and because of this, God wants to help!

We know how it feels when the weight of your circumstances feels unbearable, and the road ahead seems steep and you might feel like you just don’t have the energy or strength to make it. Again, God understands this and He wants to help.

In moments of hardships and despair, it’s easy to feel stuck, lost, and alone. But hear this – you are not alone. God sees your struggles, He knows the depths of your heart, and He is ready to help you in ways you never thought possible. Even when all your efforts seem to fall short, there is a divine plan at work, and solutions are waiting to be revealed.

But here’s the good news: you can find comfort and transformation through intercessory prayer. Even if you’ve tried it before and it didn’t work, you should try it again. Really bad situations require a lot of prayer and a lot of different efforts before you see results. 

What is Intercessory Prayer?

Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on behalf of others or even yourself.It’s an invitation to God to work in your life, to change your situation from bad to good, from difficult to easy, and from stressful to blessed. God can’t work if you don’t pray.

You might wonder, why Begin an Intercessory Prayer Plan?

Well the answer is obvious. YOU should begin an intercessory plan because you need help cause what you’ve been doing is either not working, stalled, ineffective, or outdated. You may have tried inteccessory prayer before, but it is vitally important that you try it again. In case you haven’t noticed, the enemy has gotten sneakier and more clever in the way he wages warfare against you. The enemy uses different tactics, unforseen circumstances, and unlikely people in your life to catch you off guard, and snuff out your joy and spoil your hope and your plans. Because the enemy is sneaky and trying to constantly catch you unaware, you gotta lay down a battle plan and pray strategically at odd and unusual times, using intercessory prayer to combat and conqueor the enemy’s wiles.

Saying the same old prayers over and over again at the same time and in the same way loses it’s power after awhile cause the enemy has already figured out ways around those prayers, so you gotta create new intercessory prayers constantly if you want to be helped!

Additionally, when you’re surrounded by challenges, it’s easy to feel powerless. Intercessory prayer encourages you to lift your burdens to God. You invite God into your hardships, allowing Him to provide guidance, strength, and solutions that you might not see right now. It allows God to work more and to move into the circumstances more powerfully to turn what the enemy meant for evil to good!

Here’s how intercessory prayer can change your life:


Below are some Sample intercessory Prayers that you can use that will help Impact Your Life!

To kick start your intercessory prayer journey, here are four sample prayers you can use. Feel free to personalize them, or let them inspire you to create your own heartfelt intecessory prayers.

1. Prayer for Strength “Dear Lord, I feel overwhelmed by my circumstances. Please give me the strength to face each day with courage. Help me to see the light in the darkness and to trust that You have a plan for my life. Amen.”

2. Prayer for Guidance “Heavenly Father, I seek Your guidance during this challenging time. Show me the way forward. Help me to be receptive to the solutions You have in store for me. I trust in Your wisdom. Amen.”

3. Prayer for Peace“God of Peace, my heart is troubled, and I feel unrest. Fill me with Your divine peace that surpasses all understanding. Calm my mind and help me to find joy in each moment. Amen.”

4. Prayer for Transformation “Lord, I surrender my struggles to You. Please transform my circumstances for good. Help me to remain steadfast and hopeful as I trust in Your timing and plans. Amen.”

We encourage you to make intercessory prayer a daily habit. Set aside time every day to pray using the sample prayers or any prayer you create from your heart.

Bring your needs and the needs of others before God, trusting that He is listening. As you remain steadfast, hopeful, and expectant, you will begin to see God’s help manifest in your life.

Remember, when you intercede, you’re not just speaking words; you’re inviting God into your situation to lead you toward a brighter future.

Begin your intercessory prayer plan today!

Find a quiet space, open your heart, and spend time connecting with God.Use the sample prayers or craft your own. Remember to trust God for help and remain open to how His ways may unfold.You can transform your circumstances, one prayer at a time.Expect God’s way of help to show up soon and watch as He works in your life for good!

God’s timing is perfect, and His ways are higher than your own. The answers you seek may be just around the corner, waiting to uplift you and guide you towards a brighter tomorrow. Hold on to hope, keep the faith, and know that a breakthrough is on the horizon. You are loved, you are supported, and you are destined for greatness beyond your current circumstances. Embrace the journey with an open heart, for God’s miracles are just a prayer away.
