Are problems holding you in a pit? If so, Trust God for help!

We have found that in the journey of life, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves in what can only be described as “pits”—deep, dark places where problems seem to hold us captive. These pits can manifest in countless ways: a season of unemployment, the heartache of broken relationships, the struggle with chronic illness, or the silent battle against mental health issues. It’s in these pits where our faith is tested, and our spirits feel crushed under the weight of our troubles. It is in these moments when what you are faced with can make you wonder where is God and why are you being put through what seems like a dark, cold, and empty pit? We have discovered that “pits” have purposes and they are permitted by God for various reasons. Read on dear faithful blog reader, to discover what some of those various reasons may be and how God may be working in your specific “pits”!

?The Nature of Our Pits?

A pit, by its very nature, is a place of isolation and confinement. It’s where hope feels dim, and the light at the end of the tunnel seems to flicker and fade. In the Bible, the story of Joseph stands as a powerful metaphor for our struggles. Sold into slavery by his brothers and later thrown into prison based on false accusations, Joseph’s life was a series of pits (Genesis 37-50). Yet, it’s also a testament to the profound truth that God is with us, even in the darkest of places.

When you’re held there by problems, a pit looks like endless nights of tossing and turning, wrestling with thoughts that refuse to be silenced. It looks like prayers that seem to bounce off the ceiling, and days where you wear a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. But here’s the thing: even in these moments, especially in these moments, God is closer than you think. God is aware, God sees, God knows and God is working while it seems like being stuck in the pit is the new norm.

?Seeking God in the Pit?

If you wanna get out of the pit, you gotta seek God! The first step in seeking God while you’re in a pit is acknowledging that you can’t climb out of it on your own. This admission isn’t a sign of weakness; rather, it’s recognizing the immense strength found in surrendering to God’s will. Prayer becomes your lifeline, a direct line to the One who can pull you out. But seeking God isn’t limited to prayer alone; it involves immersing yourself in His Word, which serves as a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path (Psalm 119:105).

Engage with scriptures that speak of God’s faithfulness in times of trouble. Verses like Psalm 40:2, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand,” become not just words, but promises to hold onto. Furthermore, surround yourself with a community of believers who can uplift you, pray with you, and remind you of God’s promises when you forget.

?How God Works in and Through Our Pits?

God’s workings in our pits are often invisible to our eyes. He doesn’t always pull us out immediately; sometimes, He’s using the situation to refine us, to build our character and faith. Like gold tested in fire, our trials can produce perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-4). God is the potter, and we are the clay; He molds us through our experiences, shaping us into vessels fit for His purpose (Isaiah 64:8).

Joseph’s pit led to a palace, not by chance, but by divine orchestration. Through his suffering, God was preparing Joseph to save nations. You, too, have a purpose in your pit. It may not be to become a ruler of a nation, but be assured that God can use your pain for a greater good, whether it’s to empower you to help others who are in similar situations or to deepen your trust in Him.

Remember, God’s presence in the pit is a promise that predates any problem we might face. Isaiah 43:2 assures us, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

?Trust God even though you may not like your pit!?

To anyone in the pit right now, let these words be your encouragement to turn to and trust God for help. He is your deliverer, your fortress in times of distress (Psalm 59:16). Trusting Him doesn’t mean the absence of fear or doubt; it means choosing to hold onto His promises even when you’re trembling. It’s the decision to say, “Even here, in this pit, I will praise You, Lord.”

Let the story of Joseph, the promises found in the Psalms, and the assurance of Isaiah be your guideposts. The journey through the pit is not easy, nor is it quick, but it is not without purpose. God is with you, working in ways unseen, preparing you for what’s to come, and promising that the pits of life will not have the final say.

So, lift your eyes to the One who can pull you out and through. Trust in His unfailing love and power to deliver you. Your pit is not your end; it could very well be the beginning of a testimony that speaks of God’s unwavering faithfulness and love. Pray often even if it would appear that God isn’t hearing your prayers or answering your prayers regarding your “pit”, no prayers are wasted. Just because God doesn’t answer immediately doesn’t mean that He won’t, God’s delay isn’t God’s denial. Allow God to set the how to, the when to and the where to or “if to” answer your prayers. What you were expecting as an answer may turn out to be much better than that which you had wanted or expected!

With that in mind, let’s keep the prayers going! Bombard Heaven with your prayers so much so that Heaven has to “come down and do something, cause YOU keep praying something”! So, let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

In this moment of quiet reflection, we come before You, acknowledging our weaknesses, our fears, and the burdens that weigh heavily on our hearts. Many of us find ourselves in pits of despair, trapped by circumstances that seem beyond our control—be it illness, loss, confusion, or the many trials that test our faith.

Lord, we confess that too often we try to navigate these dark valleys alone, relying on our own strength and understanding. But today, we choose a different path. We choose to surrender, to lay down our struggles at Your feet, and to invite You into the depths of our troubles.

God of all comfort and peace, we ask You to show up in the midst of our pits. Shine Your light into these dark places, and grant us the assurance that You are with us, even here. Help us to see Your hand at work, even when the way forward seems unclear. Teach us to recognize Your presence, to cling to Your promises, and to trust in Your unfailing love.

Lord, we ask for the courage to surrender our plans, our timelines, and our solutions—to truly trust in Your way for us. Guide us to understand that Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). In this surrender, may we find the freedom to let go of our anxiety and fear, trusting that You are working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

As we navigate these challenging times, remind us that we are not alone. Strengthen our faith, renew our hope, and fill us with Your peace. Help us to remember the stories of those who have walked before us, who found Your faithfulness in their pits, and emerged stronger, with testimonies of Your grace and power.

God, we believe, but help our unbelief (Mark 9:24). In moments of doubt, remind us of Your love and Your promise never to leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). Lead us through this time, transforming our pits into places where we see Your glory revealed.

In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray,

