Tag Archives: Preacher

Want to improve YOUR life? Read the Bible!

Question: I’m a new Christian, and I want to learn more from the Bible. I have an old Bible that belonged to my grandmother, and it’s difficult to understand. Where do I begin? How can I get more out of

Are You Struggling to Find Faith?

      Faith! Faith? Faith can be a struggle whether the struggle is intellectual or based on hard life experiences or withering losses. How can we find faith, and in finding faith, also find ourselves in a better story?

Look for the “Bubbles”!

As my car crawled along the automated car wash track, my thoughts drifted to times past, when my husband and I would take our children through the car wash for the express purpose of playing “watch the bubbles.”  “Daddy, my bubble

Are You Responding to God’s Call to Help YOU with YOUR Burdens?

                            How much courage would it take for you to leave everything you know and have and then follow Jesus without knowing the destination? Do you have

Do You Need God To Speak and Guide You?

Are you paying attention to the voice of God? When I was in my 20s I was praying about whether I should enroll in graduate school. Then one morning in my devotional time I came to Psalm 32:8 and it

Ever Wonder About God’s Will For YOU?

Our Challenging Reality: A young woman shared her heart in Bible class: We all prayed and asked for God’s wisdom to know whether my dad should move to this new church, but we obviously misread the will of God. From

Ever Been let Down by Some 1 You Trusted? God can Be trusted!

Have you ever struggled with trusting someone you love or like after that person has let you down? Many of us have experienced this. We might have responded by saying or thinking, “Trust is earned.” A recent situation prompted me

Do You feel Joy when You Look in the Mirror?

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? How do you feel? There, that thought which flashed through your mind when you read the questions gives you what you need to know. Are you satisfied? Thrilled? Saddened? Now
