Tag Archives: LORD

Would YOU Trust God More, If He Gave YOU A Map?

“Turn right in 500 feet.” “Recalculating.” “Your destination is on the right.” I use a GPS device as a map, especially when traveling to a new place. After I type in the address, the female voice starts navigating. Of course,

God has victory planned For your life!

King David was up against a familiar foe. Years before as a young shepherd boy, he had faced down Goliath, the top Philistine warrior, by killing him with a well-placed stone (1 Sam. 17). Now David was king of Israel, and

Maybe You Just Need To Trust God In Your Hard Stuck Places!

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in the middle of something? Maybe it was a stressful financial situation that didn’t seem to have a clear resolution. Maybe it was a challenging relationship where things felt tense and unresolved. Maybe

God hears and wants to help!

Dear friend and frequent blog reader, God understands the weight on your shoulders, the weariness in your spirit, and the frustration of prayers seemingly unanswered. It’s tough, isn’t it? Wondering why bad things happen and why God, who cares so

If it’s “still” not working, let God help you find another solution!

While working on a project, do you ever say to yourself, “Something is missing…”—but then, after making a few changes, you still don’t see the desired results? When that happens, do you give up or look for another solution? Perhaps, even though possibly uncomfortable,

Sometimes the Best Prayers are the Unanswered Ones!

In an instant-gratification-addicted world, where we need and want answers, meals, information and almost everything instantly, we sometimes treat our prayer life the same way. If we don’t get an answer or see a situation change in about a week,

Don’t give up! God’s still working in your miserable circumstances!

Jesus said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Mark 4:35 (NIV) What do you do when God closes a door —but the new door that you know He has for you hasn’t appeared or manifested yet? Welcome to

Going through hard time? The Bible Can help you! Here’s how!

Why is Bible reading important? Most Christians know they should read their Bibles. But often, our Bible reading can feel dry and insignificant. Why is it so important for us to read this book? What’s the urgency of it? Ruth and Naomi’s story
