Tag Archives: lame

Like Elijah, God May Be trying to tell You YOU’RE `JUST Tired!

God met his servant Elijah in his desperate moment of discouragement and despair. This is mercy at its best, beautifully portrayed by the Master Himself. First, God allowed Elijah a time of rest and refreshment. No sermon. No rebuke. No

God wants to make Ways For You!

No matter what is going on in your life that you either do not agree with or do not like, we’d like to encourage you to not worry too much about it because if you believe in and trust God

God Still Cares For YOU No matter What!

Have you ever had someone give up on you? Ouch! It hurts with a hurt that is hard to shake. Unfortunately, most of us have experienced our share of failures. Maybe we were blamed falsely for problems we didn’t create,

If You’re Tired of Waiting..Do This!

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself

God Has A Plan For You, But So Does the devil!

  Satan wants nothing more than to enter certain areas of your life so he can gain a stronghold. He’ll try anything to throw you off center, distract you from your focus, and render you ineffective for the Kingdom of

It Can Be “Really” Hard, But Choose to Live Your Dreams…Anyway!

People deal with their dreams in one of three ways. They accuse, they excuse, or they choose.Accusers spend their entire lives blaming others for why they haven’t achieved their dreams. Excusers make excuses for why they are not living their

Have You Ever Asked God Why?

Admit it. You have lots of WHY questions for God. Why am I going through this situation?  Why did You let that happen?  Why didn’t You allow me to experience that blessing?  Although it is human nature to question and

What Happened?

If God created the world not just to be “good” (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25), but also to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31), what happened? Why did chaos, pain, and death come into our world? Why do death,
