If You’re going thru Rough Times, You’ve got to Keep Praying!

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging… (Psalm 46:1-3)
Though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
says the Lord, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10)
Sometimes our minds go to the worst case scenario and we “catastrophize” our future with fearful imaginations. The Psalmist had a useful strategy for this. It was simply: bring it on! Bring on the worst case scenario. Whatever the enemy tries to fling my way won’t work because my God lives in me and He is Bigger than anything you can throw at me.
Does the sea want to roar to intimidate me? Fine. Let it roar?
Do the mountains want to crumble down around me? No big deal. Let them crumble.
No matter what life throws my way, I have a God whose love for me is faithful. I have a covenant with Him that yields blessings that can’t be taken from me! I have a God who has mercy on me.
Earlier this week my daughter and I were driving back from purchasing a car for her about 2 hours away. We knew that a snowstorm was coming, but we thought we would beat it. We were wrong. We drove her new car in a white out with high winds and very little to guide us on down the road but the dim red back lights of a vehicle ahead of us. We white-knuckled it all the way, and made it safely back into our driveway with a huge sigh of relief and prayers of thanks. What we learned was this: when you can’t see where you’re going, sometimes you just have to keep going in faith. Prayer will get you to your destination.
Are you intimidated by thoughts of doom? Perhaps those thoughts are not so far from becoming a reality. Lift your gaze up to Jesus and pray this plain and simple prayer with confidence…
I thank You that You are always ready to help me in my time of trouble. Because You are real and You are near, I will not fear. Earthquakes may come, things may get out of the control, and I might be shaken up, but I am prepared for the worst because You are my anchor, my stability, and my home.
Even if the mountains are shaken to the core and come crashing down around me, even when I see and experience devastation, I will be okay because day breaks and You are with me.
Things may be in chaos, important institutions, governments, or kingdoms may crumble, but You, the Lord of Heaven’s armies, is here among Your people. We run to You, our fortress and we will not fear.
Even if we get beat up and broken down, you will rebuild us even more beautifully than we were before. Even if the worst case scenario becomes a reality, I will be okay because You are my great God and protector and deliverer.
In Jesus’ Name