Is God Nudging You to Change in 2015?

Whew! Spring is here! Admittedly, the excitement of the New Season often urges me to fill up every moment with some wonderful venture. This has been one of those years.
I’m afraid that incessant busyness, if unchecked, can lead to a frazzled existence. I can find myself running from one event to another without fully experiencing the true joy of Christ’s Presence or the peace that God so wants us all to know. With these thoughts in mind, I began to pray for Christ to guide me into better time management practices.
As soon as I realized some changes needed to occur, the precious Savior began to guide me. God is so faithful and is always just one prayer away. Researching time management seemed like a logical place to start in my quest; I quickly began to see a common thread jumping off the pages. “Prioritize.” Pondering exactly how to accomplish this task, Mike and I went about our normal routines.
We were visiting our kids in Columbus, Miss., this past weekend and enjoying the last of the Christmas festivities when my thoughts again turned to the new year and Springtime’s arrival. Mike and I love visiting the church we attended when we lived there, and wouldn’t you know it, the pastor’s message was all about prioritizing our time in the New Year.
That is what I love about 2015. We can all look back at what we accomplished or failed to accomplish in the passing year and take a look at it to decide if we want 2015 to look the same. Then, we can decide what changes we need to make to reach our goals.
Some soul searching is in order to realize what we really want. The pastor, Jason, at Vibrant Church said it very well: “Close your eyes and imagine you are ringing in the New Year, and it’s 2016. What would make you happy? What is really important? If you could accomplish one thing, and it would bring you great joy, what would it be?”
For me, when I dig down deep, true happiness and joy comes from walking with God and trusting Him. I can’t even see what changes I need to make, but when I spend time in His word He can change those things about me that need changing. He is the one who gives talent, ideas, good relationships and peace. All good gifts come from above.
Without God’s touch on my life, my best is only that. Actually, the Bible says our best is like filthy rags compared to Christ and His holiness. But with the Master’s touch, our relationships, work and play can be the best they have ever been.
My prayer for us all is that our Heavenly Father will help us to live a life that is pleasing to him in 2015. I pray that God will help us to prioritize our lives and put Christ where he belongs, first. I believe that 2015 is going to be a very good year! How about you?
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew, 6:33, KJV)
Shared with you by Jan Penton Miller