Author Archives: WINInternational

Don’t waste the drive!

One of my favorite weekend pastimes is riding the dirt roads. No destination. No time limit. Just exploring and taking in the scenery. It’s been a long while since I have taken the time to just ride, but my husband

Plug into Resurrection Power as Easter approaches!

“But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9b NLT, second edition). Life is tough. I realize that’s no surprise to you. You live with that

Give Him What You Have

You know the paralyzing fear that surfaces when the information is too much to learn, the change is too great to make, the grief is too deep to survive, or the crowd is too numerous to feed. “Here is a

God’s Words of Grace For You!

Everything depends upon God’s word. He created the universe by His word, we are redeemed according to His word, the world is sustained by His word, and His love toward us in its manifold expressions is revealed to us in

Promises! Promises?

Is God good enough and big enough to make all of his great promises come true? We hear people make promises to us all the time. Print media, television, radio, and signs are full of ads making all sorts of

Willing 2-B-Crucibled

Ever notice that the most challenging madness happens right on the border of the Promised Land? While the following passage is a comforting word, it is also a crucible reminder: we are being conformed to Jesus, the betrayed, bullied and

Have YOU been asking God “Why”?

A three-year-old’s favorite word is why. “Johnny, hold my hand while we cross the street.” “Why?” “Because I don’t want you to run out in front of a car.” “Why?” “Because if a car hits you, you’ll be hurt or killed.”

Sometimes God Speaks By Saying “Nothing”!

“If God is silent, what’s that to you? If he turns his face away, what can you do about it? But whether silent or hidden, he’s there, ruling.” (Job 34:29 MSG) Sometimes God speaks by saying nothing. This is extremely
