Go for it in 2016!

“Go for it now.” The future is promised to no one,” wrote author and life coach Wayne Dyer. This statement offers hope to us, but without action it’s just a pretty cool statement. In order to become rejuvenated in your mind, body, soul, and overall life we need to be intentional. The key is setting small goals, or we tend to lose direction.“Usually when people have a goal — let’s say a competition or they’re going to climb a mountain — that motivation is the only thing that will get them moving and exercising,” WebMD shared.
“When people don’t have goals, they often just keep putting it off until another day. If you are into a pattern of setting goals that are way too high for what is reasonable for you, you will potentially open up a cycle in which you set goals, don’t attain them, feel bad about it — and in fact, feel worse about it.” Try setting one goal every quarter or whatever you feel comfortable.
Remember it is not a race. Living to your life to the fullest can start now with these simple tips.
1. Start a mental detoxification. The mind is a very powerful thing. List the damaging self-talk you engage with yourself like “I will never do anything worthwhile, “or “I am useless.” These words may come when you’re stressed, feel like you failed, or feel rejected. Reroute your mental tracks today, author Trish Blackwell explained. Find the route your thoughts are taking you. Reframe the negative thoughts and replace with positive thoughts like “I can overcome this,” or “I will not fear.”
2. Focus on your strengths. Stop obsessing on what you can’t do or what you are afraid to do. Yes, we should use wisdom, but is paralyzing you today? Make a list of your strengths and ask others as well. Carry this reminder with you when there is an attack of fear, or insecurity.
3. Don’t live for others or accept their pressure. There was a manger my friend was close with–they worked at this particular company where most family members also worked. He felt compelled to remain in the same position to carry on the family business. He was miserable and wanted to go to college to study biology. One day he just decided he was going to do that, despite the ramifications of the family. Don’t live under that kind of pressure.
4. The Mayo Clinic suggested that we need to find something we love to do. You can do this by asking and answering three questions: What excites and energizes me? What are my proudest achievements?, How do I want others to remember me?
5. Think big and be proactive not reactive. Make a bucket list for the next five years and try to attain it, if not so what. At least you tried to do something. We might not attain all our goals, but even if we reach them partially it’s a victory. Change your perspective.
6. Get outdoors and shutdown social media and emails! Author of The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Anchor wrote that people need to get moving. “Making time to go outside on a nice day also delivers a huge advantage; one study found that spending 20 minutes outside in good weather not only boosted positive mood, but broadened thinking and improved working memory.”
7. Accept your imperfections in order to see your beauty wrote life coach Kristi Ling. “It’s an incredible transformation – to deeply see our own imperfections as part of our beauty – part of what actually makes us the kind of perfect we’re meant to be – flawed beings who learn, grow, and blossom through being unique, imperfect, and wonderfully human.” Like rocker Gene Simmons said “I don’t wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life.” Neither should you. Happy New Year!