Daily Archives: September 1, 2024

5 Ways to Let Go of Worry!

We  read some place  recently that when you pray for courage, what God gives you are  situations where you get the opportunity to be courageous.  Likewise if you pray for strength, you’ll be thrust into situations that require strength. It’s

“When circumstances seem hopeless, expect God to perform miraculous turnarounds!”

We have discovered that life has this uncanny ability to throw those of us who beleive in God into some extremely uncomfortable forced fights, terrible circumstances and situations that don’t seem to ever change no matter what. The twists and

👳🏻‍♂️5 Things to remember As YOU go through it🤦‍♀️!

1. God’s Word Is Always Relevant I keep a running list of my favorite encouraging scriptures that I can go to anytime I’m facing a struggle in my life, or if I’m just generally feeling discouraged at any point in
