God’s Words of Grace For You!

Everything depends upon God’s word. He created the universe by His word, we are redeemed according to His word, the world is sustained by His word, and His love toward us in its manifold expressions is revealed to us in His word.

Have you ever listened to the words YOU speak? Do you speak words of anger? Disappointment? Despair? Unkindness? Lovelessness? God’s words, and ours, reveal what abides within us. Listen to your words and you will hear indicators of how close your self-destructive behavior is to your heart.

For those of us who are overcoming one day at a time our words can reveal the “old man” in us. However, if we replace destructive words with constructive words we can begin to change.

This is why memorizing scripture can be a healing salve to our hearts and minds. We replace negative words and thoughts with positive words and thoughts. But it must be God’s words otherwise we are merely practicing some new age self-help platitudes with no lasting effect.

When we know God’s word it has an effectiveness that works within us (1 Thessalonians 2:13). God’s word renews us (James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:23); illuminates us (Psalm 119:130); changes our soul (Psalm 19:7); makes us wise (Psalm 19:7); sanctifies us (John 17:17; Ephesians 5:26); produces and builds up faith (John 20:31; Acts 20:32), hope (Psalm 119:49; Romans 15:4), and obedience (Deuteronomy 17:19, 20). God’s word cleanses our heart (John 15:3; Ephesians 5:26) and actions (Psalm 119:9) and keeps us from destructive paths (Psalm 17:4). God’s word rejoices the heart (Psalm 19:8; 119:111) and comforts us (Psalm 119:82; Romans 15:4). And God’s word promotes our growth in grace (1 Peter 2:2).


God’s word is not just to be read but thought upon. This is meditating on God’s word. There are many ways to meditate on God’s Word. The following is a suggestion for beginners.

First, before you study a verse or section of scripture, always pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight into its application to your life. Take time to read a verse or passage over several times. Listen to the scripture— quiet your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through God’s Word. He will transition you from meditation to application. Consider how the truth and power of the Word you have read wants to affect your behavior.

So are you ready to change your mind about, and have a completely different experience with, the world around you? Are you ready to stop being conformed to the ways of the world and be transformed by the renewing of your mind with and through God’s word (Romans 12:2)? You are not alone.While you’re thinking about it, go to this site,https://www.blueletterbible.org/   and begin to get into God’s word, silently pray and say, “God, please help me learn your word, remind me daily to read your word and as I do, I invite you to create in me a clean heart, renew in me a right spirit” so that I may walk in and fulfill the plans and purposes for my life for which you’ve created me for, in Jesus name, I ask and pray, amen!

We are here to walk with you on the path of YOUR new life in Jesus Christ!

David GibsonDavid Gibson is a writer, essayist, and blogger of Bible teachings for life application. He is also a Christian conference and retreat speaker, an adjunct professor of World Religions, and the former host of radio’s “Walking with the Master”.  David is an ordained pastor and was a pastoral counselor in the NJ prison system and a NJ psychiatric hospital. He received his Clinical Pastoral Education at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He was freed from his addictions over 25 years ago.


